Thursday, April 2, 2015

Tanda of the Week 14/2015 - José Sala (Rosario) Instrumental - DJ Antti Suniala

1. José Sala - "Recuerdo" 1953
2. José Sala - "Sábado inglés" 1953
3. José Sala - "Lágrimas" 1954
4. José Sala - "Nueve de julio" 1953 week I'd like to introduce the pianist/director and the orchestra of José Sala from Rosario, Argentina. 

"Sala recorded between 1953 and 1973 on Columbia (1953-1954), TK (1955-1958) and Europhone (1972-1973). Throughout his career he recorded over 400 numbers. We pay fair homage to a musician who, without exaggeration, meant the symbol of the best tango in Rosario at the time of its highest splendor."


4 kommenttia:

  1. Did he ever play in milongas, I wonder? For people to dance.

    1. He seems to have done a lot of playing for radio stations... But he started playing in the 20's, formed his first own orchestra in the early 30's... so I'm sure he did play a lot of milongas then. Of the time of these recordings the article on Todo Tango says:

      "In the early fifties he was appearing on radio stations and other venues of Rosario and in 1953 he tried again his luck in Buenos Aires, this time with Alfredo Belusi and Ricardo Rojas on vocals. On this occasion he conducted a very good polished orchestra with charts written by Tití Rossi. He appeared on Radio Belgrano, at dancehalls and at the famous Tango Bar where also the orchestra led by Osvaldo Pugliese played. He also appeared on the television Channel 7."
